The great temple which was built on the East bank of the river Nile in Luxor, it was connected to Karnak temple to be used together through the festivals.
The temple built in El dier El bahary on the west bank of the Nile in Luxor by queen Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt for almost 20 years, She choose a very well protected location as it is surrounded by the mountains
The Located on the East bank of the Nile. It was built by several great kings of Egypt such as king Ramsis II, King Tutmosis III, queen Hatshepsut. It was dedicated to the triad of Thebes; God Amun Ra, Goddess Mut and God Khonsu.
The great kings of Egypt choose a great location between the mountains of West bank in Luxor to be the main valley for their tombs. All the tombs in the Valley of the Kings were curved in the mountains with hidden entrances to avoid robberies
Queens of Egypt were same as kings buried in hidden tombs in the mountains of West bank in Luxor in a place we call it Valley of the Queens.
Egypt from North to South